Piotr Guzik received XVIII Artur Rojszczak Award. The award was given on May 18 2024 in Krakow during the Convention of the Club of Scholars of the Foundation for Polish Science (Zjazd Klubu Stypendystów Fundacji na Rzecz Nauki Polskiej).

Piotr Guzik was nominated for the award for his popularization of astronomy and efforts aimed at wildlife conservation. He graduated in astronomy from Jagiellonian University (2009) and in applied computer science from the AGH University of Science and Technology (2010). Last year, he received his PhD in astronomy from Jagiellonian University with dissertation entitled ‘Interstellar minor bodies in the Solar System’. He is a member of the HYADES Science Team, where he serves as Chief Astronomer. Piotr’s another passion is the nature of insects: two years ago he discovered a new species of grasshopper in Poland – Isophya Modesta.

The Artur Rojszczak Award is given to young scientists who have defended their doctoral thesis within the last seven years. Laureates must stand out for their humanistic attitude, scientific integrity and passion, achievements in research (in any field), teaching or social work, and ability to cross the boundaries of their specialty. Candidates are proposed by members of the Club on the basis of their own information and that provided to them by the scientific community.

Source: ForumAkademickie.pl, Klub Stypendystów na Rzecz Nauki Polskiej

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