Origin of Earth’s oceans – talk by Tomasz Kawalec

For millennia, mankind has been asking fundamental questions about the origin of our Earth. One of the scientific problems to be solved is the origin of water on our planet. This very issue was addressed in the inaugural lecture of the 17th edition of the “Closer to Science” series, delivered by Tomasz Kawalec, on October 10 at the Faculty of Physics Astronomy and Applied Computer Science of the Jagiellonian University. In his lecture, he explained Read more…


We participated in the XLI Meeting of the Polish Astronomical Society that took place in Toruń, on September 11-15, 2023. The Meeting has a special character because 100 years earlier, on February 19, 1923, in the city of Toruń the Polish Astronomical Society was found. Moreover, in 2023 we celebrate the Year of Nicolaus Copernicus due to the 550th anniversary of the birth of the famous astronomer. Michal Drahus, PI of HYADES, presented the main Read more…

HYADES joins forces with SOLARIS National Synchrotron Radiation Centre

On July 12, Michał Drahus, Tomasz Kawalec and Mikołaj Sabat attended a meeting with the scientific staff of SOLARIS National Synchrotron Radiation Centre in Krakow. They gave a presentation about the HYADES mission at the seminar of SOLARIS and participated in a working meeting on the development of a new experimental station on the synchrotron, enabling absorption measurements in VUV. SOLARIS NSRC, in cooperation with the national and international scientific community, designs, creates and makes Read more…

HYADES’s optics at PKO’2023 conference

Tomasz Kawalec was a speaker at Polish Optical Conference 2023 (PKO’2023). He gave a talk on space optics, discussing the optical system planned for the HYADES mission. The Polish Optical Conference aims to integrate the community of Polish opticians. It creates a platform for meeting and exchanging views for a broad group of people who value the development of Polish scientific and engineering thought in optics. The conference was organized by the Optics Section of Read more…

HYADES at the seminar of CBK PAN

On June 2th, HYADES team members: Michał Dahus, Piotr Guzik and Mikołaj Sabat were invited speakers at the seminar of Polish Space Research Centre (CBK PAN) in Warsaw. We presented the main goals of our project to scientific staff of CBK PAN, also in the context of future cooperation with Polish Space Research Centre.

Creotech Instruments will carry out mission analysis

Creotech Instruments S.A. is preparing a detailed mission analysis for the HYADES project. It includes mission scenario planning that meets the criteria of the high-accuracy pointing (less than 30 arcsec in 3 axes) and  optimal power-mass budget within a small satellite (CubeSat platform). Creotech Instruments is Poland’s leading manufacturer of satellite systems and components, as well as advanced electronics for quantum computer control systems and other applications. The Company delivers proprietary solutions to the world’s Read more…

HYADES in Astronarium

The origin of Earth’s oceans was the focus of the latest episode of Astronarium. Much attention was given to the HYADES project, covered by our team members: Michał Drahus, Tomasz Kawalec, Mikołaj Sabat and Piotr Guzik. Astronarium is Poland’s most popular TV series dedicated to astronomy, emitted by TVP. All episodes are available also on YouTube.

ERC Consolidator Grant for HYADES project

The European Research Council (ERC) has awarded €3 million to the HYADES project, which will develop a dedicated space telescope to observe hydrogen and deuterium around small bodies in the Solar System. The goal of the project is to determine the origin of water on our planet and to search for new, previously unknown water reservoirs in the Solar System and other planetary systems. The five-year project will be carried out at the Jagiellonian University. Read more…