Team / Szymon Ryszkowski
I am President of the Astronomical Club Almukantarat – a Public Benefit Organization in Poland, which in 2024 was a finalist in the competition Science Popularizer of the website Science in Poland, in the category of Institution; in 2021-2022 I was Editor-in-Chief of the Astronomical Portal AstroNET. I coordinate the organization of the Polish Junior Astronomy Olympiad for elementary school students. I created and published the board game Solar System Voyager.
I graduated in 2024 with a bachelor’s degree in physics from the Jagiellonian University. I am currently studying for a master’s degree in Astrophysics and Cosmology and Economics at Jagiellonian University.
I associate my future with the popularization of astronomy, I am interested in particle physics, history, geography, web development, board games and volleyball.